10 Reasons You Should Support Local Farmers Markets


If there was ever such a thing as a favorite day, I would have to say mine is a VERY specific Saturday (or really, saturDAYS). Wanna know why? 

Because it’s Farmer’s Market Saturday (yep, even in the winter!)!

That means we’re up LONG before the sun rises to start packing up our Green Growers Farm organic produce and elderberry syrup for all the local people to enjoy!

Why The Farmers Market?

Farmers Markets are where it all started. Before people would go to grocery stores existed, people would get their food, trade their goods, and generally pump up the local economy by shopping at the Farmers Market. People would go and enjoy fresh produce and conversation, there was no question about the quality of their food or where it came from - everyone already knew! 

We work way harder than people realize as farmers, and I personally think good, high-vibe food like what can ONLY be found in Farmers Markets is very much underappreciated. In my opinion, the more local you eat, the more connected you become from within. You just feel the energy of the food. 

Why You Should Support Your Local Farmers Market

Whether you know where it is or not, you should try your best to support your local Farmers Market. Instead of lining the pockets of large, corporate grocery stores for sub-par produce and month-old veggies, support local farmers that are working hard to keep the community healthy and happy!

Plus, all the best recipes (including my personal favorite, fresh salsa) taste better with Farmer’s Market produce - I always prefer to shop locally when preparing my food for life classes to make sure the recipes taste absolutely delicious.

If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s 10 reasons why you ought to hit up your local market digs today: 

🌱 Taste REAL flavors of the freshest food available - yes, even fresher than the organic produce at the grocery store.

🌱 Enjoy the Seasonality

🌱 Support Family Farmers

🌱 Protect the Environment (food less traveled)

🌱 Enjoy Handcrafted Goods

🌱 Nourish Yourself with oftentimes Organic/Responsibly Grown Produce

🌱 Get that Local Variety & Diversity!

🌱 Know Where Your Food Comes From

🌱 Learn New Cooking Tips

🌱 Connect with Your Community

Farmer’s Markets are also typically kid-friendly and are a great place to spend a weekend morning as a family! 

Shopping at Your Local Farmer’s Market

Still not convinced that you’re better off shopping at your local Farmer’s Market? Or maybe you want to, but you’re worried you won’t be able to? It wasn’t too long ago that Farmer’s Markets would only accept cash, as many local vendors didn’t have the technology on hand to accept debit. 

Luckily, with new technology advancements and the ease of access to the internet even in rural areas, more farmers and Farmer’s markets are able to offer easier payment options - like card or transfer.

If you’re interested in learning how to support your local community and eating healthier, follow me on Instagram @theherbanfarmacy.


Goldenberry muffins


Oil Free Chips & Salsa